The Joint Parliamentary Committee, Morocco-European Union, holds a series of meetings in the European Parliament in Strasbourg

In the context of deepening consultation and discussion with the European side, members of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, Morocco-European Union headed by Mr. Lahcen Haddad, held a series of meetings in the European Parliament in Strasbourg from 12 to 14 September 2022.

In this regard, the Moroccan parliamentary delegation gathered from the Joint Parliamentary Committee Morocco-the European Union with 21 European parliamentarians in Strasbourg on the various political teams to discuss the report on the recommendation of the European Parliament to the Commission and to the Vice-President of the Commission-the Supreme Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy regarding the renewed partnership with Southern Neighborhood Countries – A new agenda for the Mediterranean, which was voted on at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday 14 September 2022.

The initial preparation for the basic report of the Foreign Committee regarding the renewed partnership with the Southern Neighborhood countries – a new agenda for the Mediterranean, which included the proposal of a new amendments to Morocco, have been proposed, knowing that the same report was circulated to the Foreign Committee during the month of July, where the amendment and a draft of Maadian recommended to Morocco was proposed from The party of some European parliamentarians from the European Unified Green and Right team, and they were totally and detailed by the external committee at the time.

Against the background of this systematic strategy by Morocco’s opponents and their desperate attempt to mislead European public opinion, which was thwarted in the Foreign Committee in July, due to the concerted efforts of European parliamentary teams in coordination with the Moroccan parliamentary delegation belonging to the Joint Committee, new amendments have been launched recently concerned with partnership agreements between Morocco The European Union, the human rights situation and the Moroccan proposal to resolve the conflict over the national issue.

In this context, the members of the joint parliamentary committee between the Kingdom of Morocco and the European Union intensified their meetings, where they met during Tuesday and Wednesday 13 and 14 September with 21 European parliamentarians who were convinced of the necessity of rejecting these hostile amendments to our country, as all parties expressed the common will to continue the Euro-Moroccan dialogue and the importance of finding Consultative solutions to the challenges and threats they face in order to give a new batch of relations that bring Morocco together with the European Union and to carry out solidarity work to advance the European neighborhood policy by exploiting all available cooperation opportunities to achieve sustainable security and joint prosperity.

During these meetings, members of the joint parliamentary committee between the Kingdom of Morocco and the European Union called for the promotion and support of the European-Moroccan construction series through an approach aimed at establishing more durable ties capable of stimulating joint development, especially in the fields of energy, renewable energies, peace, security, agriculture, and marine fishing, Immigration, security, organized crime, cross -border terrorism, as necessary, take into account the Moroccan -European partnership in all its dimensions. Moroccan parliamentarians stressed the need to be aware of the seriousness of the situation and the increasing security threats.

As a result of the initiatives carried out by the Moroccan -European joint parliamentary committee, it was able to frustrate the draft amendment during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where another amendment was withdrawn and amended during the voting session by an absolute majority, consisting of all political spectrums of the right, center and left parties that once again confirmed the pioneering role that Morocco plays it with its European neighborhood in all fields and thwarting all the maneuvers aimed at opposing the march of Morocco in development and fortifying its territorial integrity.

And participated in this mission:

– Mr. Counselor, Hassan Haddad, Chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, Morocco, European Union;

– Mrs. Zina Shalam for the National Rally of Independents team;

– The respected deputy, Hisham Ait Mana, for the National Rally of Independents team;

– Mrs. Fatima Al -Zahra bin Talib on the authority of Al -Asala and Al -Awsat Al -Asalah;

– Mr. MP Abdul Majeed Al -Fassi Al -Fihri on the independent team of unity and equation.

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